Department Of Atomic Energy | BARC, Baba Atomic Research Centre 3844 posts, Direct Recruitment for Different Department Under BARC

About: Department of Personnel & Training (DoPT) had informed that all Ministries/ Departments will work on mission mode to fill up their vacancies immediately and no later than December 2023. All Departments of the Government of India have been instructed to chalk out action plans on priority for filling up vacancies.

Accordingly, Department vide Note No. 24/1/2021-SCS/11270 dated 30.08.2022 (Copy
enclosed), requested Constituent Units of DAE to provide the details of Direct Recruitment (DR)
vacancies they intend to fill up to 31.12.2023.

Secretary, DAE as a one-time measure has approved filling up the vacant posts as per the vacancy position submitted by each Unit in response to the DAE Note dated 30.08.2022 which is enclosed as Annexure-T Since the process of conducting an examination of the same category posts by different Units will result in duplication of efforts and also with a conscious intent of pooling of resources and maximizing the recruitment process in the minimum time, it has been decided that individual Units will function as Central Recruitment Agency (CRA) for carrying out the recruitment of Specific category of vacant posts of all the Units. The allocation of category-wise posts to Constituent Units for carrying out recruitment is as detailed below.


Total Number of Posts: 3844

Important Date:

डाउनलोड नोटिफिकेशन 

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